Updated Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques (Long)
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Course Prerequisites
Course Name:
Updated Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques (Long)
Course Price:
€ 295
Short Description:
1 day course.Seafarers who hold an existing personal survival techniques (PST) certificate are required to complete this updating training course to maintain proficiency under the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments (STCW Section A-VI/1 & table A-VI/1-1).
Course Type:
STCW Refresher training
Full Description:
Seafarers who hold an existing personal survival techniques (PST) certificate are required to complete this updating training course to maintain proficiency under the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments (STCW Section A-VI/1 & table A-VI/1-1).
The training will take place both in the classroom and at our pool facility, where attendees are required to be fit enough to undertake the in-water practical drills, similar to those undertaken on the original PST course.
For further information on updated training click here for MSN 1865.
Should you have a pre-existing medical condition which may prevent you from partaking in the practical elements of the course please contact our offices immediately to establish if it is possible for you to participate.