In this section:

Comms Operator

Communications rating is known as a ComOp (Communications Operator). Branch training is conducted in the Communications Dept, Naval College (NMCI). The ComOp is trained to operate the full range of communications equipment at the disposal of the Naval Service.

GMDSS Operator training

The Naval service possesses some of the most sophisticated equipment available to any Navy in the world, ranging from the hand-held radios used on Boarding Operations to state of the art Satellite Comms equipment.

Satellite Communications training

ComOps are also trained in the basic principles of radio wave propagation and the areas of Morse Code and Visual Signaling using flag hoists etc. At sea as a ComOp you will have a very responsible and challenging role from the onset. Communications Ratings like most other members of the Ships Company (as the crew is called) operate a watch system of 4 hours on and 8 hours off (on call) around the clock while at sea.

Course  Prerequisites  Outcome
Comms Branch Training
Ordinary Seaman To Ordinary Communications Operator
17 Weeks
Must have successfully completed basic training Internal qualification
Group 2 tech pay
Qualified as Ordinary ComOp
Ordinary Communications Operator to Able Communications Operator 2 ½ Weeks 3 Months Sea Service as O/ComOp
Task book completed
Qualified as Able ComOp
Able ComOp to Leading ComOp
4 Weeks
Min 2 Years Sea Service as Able ComOp Eligible for promotion to Leading Communications Operator L/ComOp*
Leading ComOp to Petty Officer ComOp
5 ½ Weeks
Min 2 Years Sea Service as Leading  ComOp Eligible for promotion to Petty Officer Communications Operator (Professional) PO/ComOp**
Petty Officer ComOP to Chief Petty Officer ComOp Min 2 Years Sea Service as Petty Officer ComOp Senior NCO’s Course Eligible for promotion to Chief Petty Officer Communications Operator CPO/ComOP***

*  Dependant on passing out of Potential NCO’s Course and Rank Vacancy
**  Dependant on passing out of Standard NCO’s Course and Rank Vacancy
***  Dependant on passing out of Senior NCO’s Course or Holding of Class 2 Certificate (Group / Intermediate Certificate/Junior Certificate Military equivalent) and Rank Vacancy