

Project Funding:

Project synopsis

The Atlantic Area remains at the heart of the major intercontinental shipping routes but a loss of know-how and seafarers' skills is noticed. The Atlantic Area has to retain a core human and a technological know-how serving the sustainability and competitiveness of current and future shipping operations.
The maintenance of high training standards and seamen professional skills are essential to ensure safe, secure and environmental shipping operations. Nowadays, the maritime training institutes are well-structured at the national level but no network exists in the Atlantic area to federate approximately sixty maritime centres.

MARLEANET project results will be composed of a long-term network with exchanges of good practices, know-how and staff, common and new training sessions development and the current policies improvements. The actions' sustainability will be ensured by a common e-learning platform suitable to meet the training requirements of maritime staff taking into account technical means and availability (rhythms of work, alternation phases of work, obligation, rest and holidays) with at term 3 000 persons trained by year.

Maritime the public-private partnership is managed by the Centre Européen de Formation Continue Maritime (C.E.F.C.M.) and represents 4 countries - France, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. UK is associated in the spreading of activities through the current contacts with training centres.

Project Partners:
CEFCM - Centre Europeen de formation continue maritime, FRANCE
CIT - Cork Institute of Technology, IRELAND
MUTUA - Mútua dos Pescadores, PORTUGAL
CETMAR - Centro Tecnológico del Mar - Fundación, SPAIN
ENIDH - Escola superior náutica Infante D. Henrique, PORTUGAL
UBO - Université de Bretagne Occidentale, FRANCE
Project Synopsis:
The European programme called MARitime LEArning NETwork (MARLEANET /2010-2013), headed by the Centre Européen de Formation Continue Maritime - European Maritime Training Center - (C.E.F.C.M.) in Concarneau, aims at developing, along the Atlantic area, a new and challenging network based on cooperation and the transfer of ideas, skills sharing, dissemination of good practices, experience sharing in real time and co-production of teaching tools.
This core of abilities includes 6 partners/institutions from 4 countries :

All have in common the wish to create the future maritime training : a finally harmonized training taking into account the rapid changes in the maritime world and leading the whole system upwards by exceeding the current international standards.

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