IMPACT: Integrated Maritime Promotion ACTion.
Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo Da Vinci programme for Vocational Education & Training.
Project Synopsis:
The European shipping industry faces fierce global competition, and a shortage of 27,000
seafaring officers is predicted by 2015. For the sector to survive, the quality of European MET
standards must not fall. IMO has revised the STCW to improve the quality of maritime
education and training (MET). Many countries have initiated studies to ensure the revised
standards are implemented soon. And not only governments but other parties in the maritime
community are keen to establish an effective MET system for all. IMPACT will promote LLP
projects focused on raising standards in MET through international co-operation, innovative
use of IT, and the standardisation of Maritime English testing and certification. With half of the
80% of accidents taking place at sea due to poor communication, widespread implementation
of these project materials, courses and tests will save lives, reduce material and financial
losses for businesses.
The European shipping industry faces fierce competition from the Far East, and a shortage of
27,000 seafaring officers is predicted by 2015. For the waterborne sector to remain
competitive, the quality of European standards must not be allowed to fall. By raising
standards in the field of European MVET, and providing institutions with tools to improve the
quality of the education that they provide, the employability and mobility of European
seafarers will be increased.
All of the LLP projects to be valorised were developed according to international standards
such as the International Maritime Organisation’s Standards of Training, Certification and
Watch-keeping. All project results promote competencies specified to these standards, and
many lead to internationally recognised qualifications.
The consortium has considerable experience in
developing educational programmes and innovative ICT resources for MVET institutions.
Many projects are ongoing. The results of previous projects have been well received, and
have been incorporated into many MVET programmes across Europe. For example:
EGMDSS now has over 27,000 users, and is used by several major MVET institutions.
IMPACT aims to bring together the results of successfully completed projects and promote
them under one banner with the ultimate aim of spreading good practice and innovative ICT
tools to MVET providers.
TUDEV Turkish Institute Of Martime Studies
Satakunta University Of Applied Sciences
Spinaker d.o.o
National Maritime College Of Ireland
Further Info: